Monday, March 06, 2006

Inspirational Life Story True - Mother Teresa - Angel of Mercy

Today's Inspirational True life story is about Mother Teresa. Most of us would have definitely heard of Mother Teresa. She has been a great source of inspiration for me from my child hood days. To me Mother Teresa means selflessness. This founder of "Nirmal Hriday" just showed the world how pure her heart was. I am sure just like how i was inspired by her, there may be many others who would have been inspired by her. She was the picture of simplicity. She was the mother to blind, disabled, aged and poor. Mother Teresa is aptly called "Angel of Mercy".

Image Courtesy: Google Images


  1. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Mother Teresa - Angel of mercy to me she is not only the angel of mercy but also the synonym of mercy and love with selflessness. it is right to praise her and raise her to the hightest of the hight.

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    mother teresa great inspiration. she will ALWAYS be rememberd forever. :)

  3. Cluston Cletus3:34 AM

    words cannot describe mother theresa.....she is a pure soul....let us get inspired to such an extent that we also get prepared to serve the poorest of the poor and she did....

  4. Life lived like her is worth life

  5. Life lived like her is worth life

  6. Life lived like her is worth life

  7. Life lived like her is worth life

  8. Life lived like her is worth life
