Monday, December 19, 2005

13 Tip's for Happier Life

I strongly believe in the following and i practise the 11 tips instead of 12. Being a counsellor i cant follow "Dont take on the problems of other people". Except that i follow almost every other point and hence the reason why i am sharing this with you all fellow bloggers.

STOP worrying - Worry is the least productive of all human activities and thoughts…. Just because you worry things are not going to change, don't you agree?
Don't allow needless fears preoccupy your life - A survey says 80% of the time the things we fear never happen!!!
Don't hold grudges -
We are in this world for a very short period of time and i personally feel this is one of the biggest and most unnecessary weights we carry through our lives..
Take on one problem at a time -
It's the only way to handle things by one..
Don't take your problems to bed with you - Do you know Good Sleep is what makes a person healthy. Your next day would be energetic and fresh if you have a good sleep.
Don't take on the problems of other people -
They are better equipped to handle their own problems than you are..unless and until you are sure that you can give them a solution.
Don't live in the past - It will always be there in your memories to enjoy..but don't cling to it.
Concentrate on what is happening right now in your life..and you will be happy in the present also..not just the past.
Be a good listener -
It is only when one listens..that one gets and learns ideas different from ones own...
Do not let frustration ruin and rule your life -
Self pity more than anything..interferes with positive actions..with moving forwards in our lives.
Count your blessings - Don't even forget the smallest blessings.. As many small blessings add up to large ones...
Find time to spend with your family - Make it a point to spend atleast a few hours in a week with your family
Feel free to Communicate - Always communicate your needs. It's only then you can let others know what is in your mind and vice-versa
Indulge in Service - Just do this and you would know how good it makes you feel. Do it with all your heart.